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Re: Welcome

Di 21. Apr 2009, 15:11

Uh. Cyrilic letters are not my passion. But thank you.

Di 21. Apr 2009, 15:11

Re: Welcome

Fr 24. Apr 2009, 09:17

Welcome Dormas.

The power has led you to us, and I hope them will lead you further in the darkness.

Look around a little, and if you ask has turns you simply to me or Darth Artocious. Is it around a question all around the forum or a question to the main side.

Wishes to you a lot of fun here in our middle.

Dark greetings

Lord Mirgosh starwars007

Re: Welcome

Fr 24. Apr 2009, 09:38

I, as the ambassador to your realms, would also like to welcome you, Lord Dormas.

I invite you to see me as your first point of contact in any concern that might come up to your mind.

Please feel free to ask here in the forum or directly adress your questions to me over the e-mail adress Darth_Atrocious@Lords-of-Korriban.de

Re: Welcome

Fr 24. Apr 2009, 14:14

A new one found us! I gues the LoK has many friends.
Welcome Lord Dormas. I think we get a lot of fun with you :mrgreen:

Re: Welcome

Mo 4. Mai 2009, 18:22

Lord Dormas, I`m pleased to see you here

Re: Welcome

Fr 8. Mai 2009, 13:35

Thank you for the warm welcome my fellow sith friends!

As you already know I'm sent here for a reason. The first steps into making the (as I refer to call it) European Sith Pact. I'm sure that we can create a new chapter in Sith History by making this alliance. :)

In couple of days I'll make my suggestion and we can start negotiating about all the details. Until then

Regards, Darth Dormas, BSO

Re: Welcome

Fr 8. Mai 2009, 14:07

I am looking forward to read your suggestions and hear about new ideas.

I would kindly ask you to use the Forum-Area Botschaft/Embassy for that kind of discussions.

Re: Welcome

Do 28. Mai 2009, 22:08

Welcome Todias.

The power has led you to us, and I hope them will lead you further in the darkness.

Look around a little, and if you ask has turns you simply to me or Darth Artocious. Is it around a question all around the forum or a question to the main side.

Wishes to you a lot of fun here in our middle.

Dark greetings

Lord Mirgosh 06920

Re: Welcome

Do 28. Mai 2009, 22:23

I also want to welcome you in our little dark circle.

Now that three of our bulgarian brothers are here in behalf of the bulgarian Sith Order it is time to start the war of the words... also known as diplomacy...

Re: Welcome

Fr 29. Mai 2009, 09:56

Then lets begin, indeed!

I'm pleased by your honorable welcoming and of the very fact that I am truly here, on foreign's land, contributing for the creation of the European Sith Union. It is natural for modern, intelligent Sith to seek a way for combining power with others. The most important after this is actualy make something of it, if I may express this the simple way.

For me, the diplomacy thing... this is something easy to accomplish. After all, we are all here for the same idea. But what I strive for is a real agenda for us all, who enter the Union, a real step forward, literaly the next level of power and accomplished goals.

What will they be, what exactly we are gonna do, will it be a huge web page and growing and growing community with pleasant coexistence. Will it be a jointly spiritual growing... These are matters for another room of discussion, and I have said to much already, and we are still staying on the entrance hall ;)

So, let us enter your area and begin that, what we are here to do. :D :D :D
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